
Setting up Python environment

Resources mentioned in this guide:

Installation and setup (macOS)

Install pyenv (docs)

On Mac OS X you need Homebrew and the Xcode Command Line Tools:

xcode-select --install

Then run (Pyenv suggested build environment):

brew install openssl readline sqlite3 xz zlib tcl-tk

Run the following commands:

brew update
brew install pyenv

Add the following lines to .zshrc:

export PYENV_ROOT="$(pyenv root)"
eval "$(pyenv init -)"

Check that installation was succesful:

pyenv --version

Should print the pyenv version, i.e. pyenv 2.3.36

To install the remaining packages and dependencies with the pipx CLI, continue reading Alternative A. For an alternative installation without pipx skip to Alternative B.

Alternative A: Installation with pipx


pipx is a CLI to install and run Python-applications in isolated environments. It is intended for globally available installations of Python CLIs, like Poetry, and not for libraries and project dependencies.

Note: pipx installed with brew is independent from the active python-version selected with pyenv.

Install pipx (installation-docs)

To install, run the following commands:

brew update
brew install pipx
pipx ensurepath

Check that pipx is available:

pipx --version

Should print something like 1.4.3.

Check that the line

export PATH="$PATH:/Users/<username>/.local/bin"

has been added to your ~/.zshrc (or equivalent config file).

NB! Make sure that you are not in an active virtual environment (i.e. by running poetry env use ...) when running pipx commands. Otherwise pipx might install packages to the wrong virtual environment.

Install Poetry with pipx (installation-docs)


pipx install poetry

Check that poetry is available:

poetry --version

This should print something like Poetry (version 1.7.1)

Make sure Poetry uses the currently active python version from pyenv by running:

poetry config virtualenvs.prefer-active-python true

When in a Poetry project with a pyproject.toml this should list a pyenv version of python:

poetry env info


Nox is a command line tool that automates testing in multiple Python environments.

Install nox with pipx

pipx install nox


nox-poetry is a package which makes you able to run Poetry inside Nox sessions.

Install nox-poetry with pipx

To install it to the same environment as Nox is run from, run:

pipx inject nox nox-poetry

Alternative B: Installation without pipx

Make sure you have the expected python version activated with pyenv local x.x.x, and make sure that pip is pointing to that python version.

This will install the packages for each python version. In other words you have to install the following packages for each python-version you install and activate with pyenv.

Install Poetry

pip install poetry

Installing a specific version

pip install poetry==1.2.0


pip install nox


pip install nox-poetry

Known problems

VS Code can’t find virtual environments

Make sure the project virtual environments created by Poetry are found by VS Code, by adding the following option to settings.json (macOS-specific):

"python.venvPath": "~/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs"

poetry config virtualenvs.path gives the venv-path on your on OS.

Missing system library: lxml

Error message when running a nox session:

.cache/contract_tests-3-8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/feedgen/ in <module>
    from lxml import etree  # nosec - not using this for parsing
E   ImportError: dlopen(/Users/xxxx/Digdir/fdk-fulltext-search/.cache/contract_tests-3-8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/lxml/, 0x0002): symbol not found in flat namespace '_exsltDateXpathCtxtRegister'

Install the following packages:

brew install libxml2
brew install libxslt

We need to install an older version of lxml. Add the following line to your pyproject.toml.

lxml = "4.9.2"

Docker command not found

When using podman and docker-compose it is possible you get the following error running tests:

Command: docker not found

Link podman to docker:

sudo ln -s /opt/podman/bin/podman /usr/local/bin/docker

Podman/docker crashes

Remember to have setup enough resoures for your Podman machine.

Useful commands


Install a specific Python version

pyenv install 3.11

Set the local python version for the current folder/project

pyenv local 3.11

This creates a .python-version file in the current directory.

Change python version globally (for user)

pyenv global 3.11

This is used as the default interpreter when no local python version is activated.