The service responsible for handling AI LLM searches is fdk-llm-search-service, which is described by this OpenAPI specification.



Simple example using the staging endpoint:

curl -X POST 'https://aisearch.api.staging.fellesdatakatalog.digdir.no/llm' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"query":"Data about birds living in Norway"}'

The results should look like this:

  "hits": [
      "id": "d69e69bb-7572-3979-9298-d0bd1f4552fd",
      "title": "SEAPOP Estimerte hekkebestander for sjøfugl",
      "description": "Dette datasettet inneholder estimerte hekkebestander for sjøfugl i Norge.",
      "type": "DATASET",
      "publisher": "Norsk institutt for naturforskning",
      "publisherId": "950037687"
      "id": "13f37cd2-8278-3812-b4cf-c2c9fcd7447a",
      "title": "SEAPOP Bestander for sjøfugl i åpent hav - vintersesong",
      "description": "Dette datasettet inneholder bestander for sjøfugl i åpent hav i Norge i vintersesongen.",
      "type": "DATASET",
      "publisher": "Norsk institutt for naturforskning",
      "publisherId": "950037687"
      "id": "71c897bf-370a-3cd7-b5d1-f7485c773ec3",
      "title": "SEAPOP Bestander for sjøfugl i åpent hav - høstsesong",
      "description": "Dette datasettet inneholder bestander for sjøfugl i åpent hav i Norge i høstsesongen.",
      "type": "DATASET",
      "publisher": "Norsk institutt for naturforskning",
      "publisherId": "950037687"
      "id": "9ca54865-8fcb-3f59-bbc5-c44bbbf10f04",
      "title": "SEAPOP Bestander for sjøfugl i åpent hav - sommersesong",
      "description": "Dette datasettet inneholder bestander for sjøfugl i åpent hav i Norge i sommersesongen.",
      "type": "DATASET",
      "publisher": "Norsk institutt for naturforskning",
      "publisherId": "950037687"


The service returns maximum 7 results. This is due to performance and size of the prompt. This number can change in the future while new models become faster.

The service expects to find datasets. In order to get the best results we recommend to query for specific type of data and not general questions like “What time does the sun rise?”.